Thursday, 25 August 2011

You Need To Be Hydrated: Drink Coconut Water.

Natural Remedies Central

You Need To Be Hydrated: Drink Coconut Water.

Pure coconut water contains five electrolytes. These are sodium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorous, sodium and calcium. These are absolutely necessary to our bodies. It is therefore perfect for the man in the street.

We don't realize it but many of us exist in a clinically dehydrated state: It is a known concern with respect to the elderly. If you wake up on the morning and find it difficult to bend your fingers because they were slightly swollen, this is due to the body's attempt to conserve fluid in the tissues in the face of dehydration. The cure is to drink more water during the day.

Coconut water has been found to be beneficial for:

1. UTI or any kind of bladder infection
2. diarrhea
3. balancing blood sugar levels.
4. the kidney
5. leg cramps (that occur in the night)
6. cooling your body on a really hot day
7. acid reflux
8. helping in weight loss
9. cleansing the digestive tract
10. raising your metabolism.
11. lowering blood pressure

If you like me, find it hard to drink water throughout the day, then coconut water is the answer. This is because it has the perfect balance of sodium and potassium and keeps us in the hydrated for longer periods of time.

This is why in the tropics, where work in the sun in sometimes inevitable, Nature has grandly provided umpteen coconut trees, so that people can savor the water within the coconut to refresh and hydrate them.

For many people it gives then a natural high, a sense of satisfaction that comes form drinking a cocktail, but without any sense of unease. It gives one a sense of relaxation.

Coconut Water Facts:

1. Coconut water contains more potassium about 294 mg than most sports drinks, which have about 117mg.
2. Coconut water has less sodium (25mg) where sports drinks have about 41 mg and energy drinks have 200mg
3.Coconut water has 5 mg of natural sugars, compared to the sucrose of other drinks
4. Coconut water is naturally sterile
5. Coconut water is better than processed baby's milk because it contains lauric acid, which is present in breast milk.
6. Coconut water is healthier than most fruit juices in terms of calorie intake.
7. It has no cholesterol.

Ann Marie

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

7 Natural ways to cure Acne

Natural Remedies Central

7 Natural Ways To Cure Acne

Acne is both painful and embarrassing. If you don't suffer from it well and good. If you do, or know dear ones who do, this article will be most helpful.

Once again… forget the creams and ointments for Acne. Go to your kitchen and you will find most of the things recommended here except perhaps witch hazel lotion and Aloe Vera gel that you would have to go to your drug store to purchase. Here are 7 prescriptions:

Number 1:
Aloe Vera Gel. It is full of anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that are especially good for torn skin (which occurs when a pimple bursts). Don't just apply it on the face, get some Aloe Vera juice and drink it up too.

Number 2:
Lemon juice mixed with the same amount of rose water helps enormously. It helps kill the bacteria that help to form those pustules. Be aware that when you have lemon juice on your face you must avoid the light. Leave it on for half an hour or so before you wash it off.

Number 3:
Another method, perhaps after applying the lemon method, is to mix equal amounts of sandalwood powder with rose water. You may wash it off after half an hour or keep it overnight on our face.

Number 4:
Eat more fruits and juices. Failing which take about 1000-2000 mg of vitamin C. Your body needs it for healthy skin. Include carrot in your fruit juices and make sure you get adequate amounts of vitamin E as well in the form of a few (about 3 or 4) walnuts or almonds a day.

Number 5:
Make and apply a mask once in three days: Take the white of an egg mix with a teaspoon of witch hazel and lemon juice and leave it on till it dries. Then wash off with warm water.
Witch hazel is a powerful anti-bacterial. Apply it (it comes as a clear solution) as often as you need.

Number 6:
Neem is also a good solution for acne. If you can't get hold of Neem, try to get Neem tablets and try taking two to three capsules for a period of two months and you would be amazed at the results. Also try to get hold of a Neem soap (they are not at all expensive) it works wonders.

Number 7:
To get rid of acne scars, apply coconut water on your face and make sure to drink it too.

So I have outlined to you the pathway to healthy skin without those pesky pustules and pimples. Apply all seven ways diligently and you will be very happy with the results.

Ann Marie

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Guia Zen - Terapias de A a Z - nº2 (Edição Especial)

Guia Zen - Terapias de A a Z - Artigo sobre Reflexologia

"Prevenir o aparecimento de doenças"

Caros Amigos/as

Saiu o nº 2 da revista "Guia Zen - Terapias de A a Z", mês de Agosto 2011, que contém um artigo que escrevi sobre Reflexologia (págs.56/57).

Este Guia tem o propósito de reunir as mais variadas terapias, métodos, práticas e exercicíos como forma de dar a conhecer um leque variado de opções existentes à disposição de cada um para melhorar a sua saúde,com o objectivo de favorecer ou restabelecer o bem-estar e o equilíbrio natural do sistema do corpo humano.

Procurem nos quiosques, bancas e lojas de revistas!


Maria da Luz Cardoso

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Kiwi e as suas propriedades antioxidantes

Um estudo do Departamento de Agricultura dos Estados Unidos sugere que o kiwi está entre as frutas com maior quantidade de antioxidantes, incluindo vitaminas e flavonóides, que podem neutralizar radicais livres associados a doenças crónicas e ao envelhecimento. Nos testes, os pesquisadores mediram os níveis de antioxidantes no organismo de sete mulheres, registrando aumentos na capacidade antioxidante do sangue e aumentos na resistência das células ao dano oxidativo após o consumo das frutas. Eles observaram que, em relação à oferta de antioxidantes, os kiwis alcançaram uma pontuação de 12,5, contra 4,2 de uvas e 1,7 dos morangos, frutas reconhecidamente ricas em componentes saudáveis. Segundo os autores, o consumo do kiwi foi responsável por maior metabolismo e absorção de antioxidantes.

Esta fruta exótica com uma estranha aparência (que não agrada muito), depois de ser saboreado, com o seu gosto levemente azedo, o kiwi vai ganhando o seu espaço na preferência de muitos.

kiwi é uma ótima fonte de Vitamina C, E, B6, niacina, potássio, magnésio, cobre, fosfato e fibras dietéticas, possui gordura e nenhum teor de colesterol. Tem efeitos antiinflamatórios, antioxidantes, anticancerígenos e laxativos.

A perfeita combinação das vitaminas A e E pode diminuir o risco de doenças cancerígenas, artério-coronarianas e melhora o sistema imunológico. A vitamina B6, A e a niacina são encontradas em quantidades menores que as outras, porém, estas agem atenuando as rugas da pele.

Alguns dos elementos minerais que o compõe, o cálcio, magnésio, ferro e especialmente o potássio, contribuem para equilibrar a tensão arterial, que aumentam as defesas do organismo na prevenção das gripes e resfriados, além das quantidades razoáveis de fibras solúveis, que auxiliam a diminuição dos níveis de colesterol no sangue.

Por causa da clorofila, é uma das poucas frutas de coloração verde quando madura.

Confira esta delícia que você pode fazer com o kiwi:

Sumo de Abacaxi, Kiwi e Hortelã

3 fatias grossas de abacaxi
2 kiwi
hortelã a gosto
2 copos de água
pedras de gelo
adoçante a gosto

Modo de preparação
Pique grosseiramente as fatias de abacaxi, de kiwi e bata no liquidificador. Acrescente a hortelã, gelo e a água. Bata bem para incorporar os ingredientes. Se preferir um suco sem fibras passe pela peneira e sirva decorando com uns ramos de hortelã.