Gripe suina nunca antes vista - É virus manipulado geneticamente? ou teoria da conspiração de newsletters de informação alternativas?
There are solid reasons to suspect that this new Mexican Swine Flu is NOT a naturally occurring event but instead is an Advanced Biological Warfare recombination DNA genetically engineered virus.
"The new Mexican Swine Flu has elements of DNA from the following: avian flu, human flu Type A, human flu Type B, Asian swine flu, and European swine flu. A strange combination never seen before and having less than 1/10% chance of being a natural event. Human and animal viruses from four or more continents suddenly recombine in a new flu during a non-flu season that spreads from human-to-human with a 10% fatality rating."
The new virus is, in a sense, not just a swine flu virus. It does have viral segments characteristic of two different families of swine flu, one typical of North America, where swine flu is endemic, and one typical of pig flu viruses from Europe and Asia. But we learned today that it also has viral segments seen in North American birds and in human seasonal influenza. Which of the segments is a bird segment and which is humans wasn't discussed in today's briefing, but the fact that the genetic sources comprise widely different geographies and species is highly unusual -- unusual at least as far as we know.
O Laboratório farmaceutico americano, que vendeu vacinas da gripe contaminadas com o virus das aves a 18 paises, há cerca de dois meses, vai ser encarregue de produzir a vacina conta a nova gripe suina... coincidências??? ou não???
Adivinhem que vai fazer muito dinheiro com a pandemia...
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